Bertha-Hewitt School
Non-MSHSL Activities, Clubs & Organizations

Business Professionals of America
Advisor: Steven Kvam
Business Professionals of America contributes to the preparation of a world-class workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills. We are committed to developing the best possible career and technical education organization for students in the United States. The measure of our success will be the perception that alumni of Business Professionals of America are highly competent and skilled workforce professionals who enable business and industry to maintain the economic vitality and high quality of life associated with our celebrated United States of America.

Esports officially stands for electronic sports, not to be confused with video games. Esports takes video gaming to another level with organized competitive gameplay between two teams, governed by its own strict set of rules and guidelines. The difference is comparable to a pick-up basketball game at a park versus a varsity high school basketball game. Esports requires teamwork, communication, critical and strategic thinking, creativity, sportsmanship, and leadership — much like traditional sports.

Fishing League
Coach: Eric Koep

The Bertha-Hewitt fishing team was established in 2018 as part of the first-ever season for the Heart O’ Lakes High School Fishing League. We fish four league nights in June and July and take part in an end of season tournament in early August. League nights consist of kids fishing in the evening. During competition students can catch sunfish, crappie, bass, northern and walleye. Plaques and medals are given to the top teams at each event. Bertha-Hewitt is in a conference with Battle Lake, Henning, Parkers Prairie and Fergus Falls.

Future Farmers of America
Advisor: Brittani Oyster
Future Farmers of America makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success. Career development events in FFA give students many opportunities to compete against other FFA chapters while preparing for a possible career in agriculture.
Knowledge Bowl
Advisor: Mike Barthel (Senior High) and Scott Wegner (Junior High)
Knowledge Bowl is an interdisciplinary academic contest that is designed for both junior and senior high age groups. The contest consists of 5 rounds, one written round where team members attempt to answer multiple choice questions as a group. Four rounds of verbal questions follow. The team competes against 2 other teams using a buzzer system. Areas of questioning are varied and include; history, math, science, current events and the arts. Problem solving, recall and critical thinking are all used in the question sets.

National Honor Society
Advisor: Noah Singsank
The purpose of this chapter shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership and to encourage the development of character in all students of Bertha-Hewitt High School.

Student Council
Advisor: Steven Kvam
The purpose is to provide a forum for student expression; to promote the general welfare of the school; to promote a closer relationship between the student body, faculty and the administration; to develop attitudes toward and practice good citizenship.

Trap Shooting
Advisor: Melanie Weishair
Trap shooting is a competition event that consists of shooting two 25 target rounds for a total of 50 targets from a 16 yard station. The Minnesota State High School Clay Target League is an independent provider of clay target shooting for schools as an extracurricular activity for students in grades 7th-12th. The league’s priorities are safety, fun and marksmanship. Students at Bertha-Hewitt will participate in two seasons, one in the fall and one in the spring, with the opportunity to qualify for state competition in June.
Video Tech
The Video Tech Club is designed to help students learn how to organize, edit, and produce audio, video, and other technological applications. We stream school events such as sporting events, plays and concerts. Also, students compete in online games such as DOTA 2 vs area schools.

Advisor: Paula Wojcik
Yearbooks are an integral part of the school experience and are one of the only ways to truly preserve memories of years past. Our goal every year is to include every single person in the student body in the yearbook in some way. We strive to find the interesting, unique and diverse qualities of the students here at Bertha-Hewitt and showcase those through our pictures. All of the activities in the school are covered and all of the individual classes are recognized. Students interested are encouraged to participate in the making of the yearbook and can join anytime of the year. Yearbook is also offered as an independent class that can be taken for elective credit.